Loreto Mexico Blog

My Water Branded With Scarlet Zip Tie

Anyone spending time in Loreto Bay gets used to unexpected water outages on an all too regular basis. Typically these are due to a leak somewhere in the system that requires large portions of Loreto Bay to be shut off for a few hours in order to complete the...

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My Water Branded With Scarlet Zip Tie

My Journey to Loreto, Life and Work

I was recently interviewed on a wide range of topics about my journey to Loreto and my life here. You'll see some early photos of Loreto Bay when it was mostly sand and a dream. You'll also learn about my early life and how I found Loreto in the first place. I talk...

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Foster with Loreto sign

Roger Clyne Records Solo Concert While Sailing Near Loreto

I've been a fan of Roger Clyne for many years as he fronted a band started in Arizona, The Refreshments. Their most popular song was Banditos, though there is another song that more of you have likely heard without knowing the artist behind it. It's called Yahoos...

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Roger Clyne

Using Dollars, Pesos and ATM Machines

I frequently seen people asking about whether they should bring dollars or pesos for the upcoming visit to Loreto (or elsewhere in Mexico). How can they exchange dollars for pesos? Can they use an ATM machine? Can they use credit cards? I'll cover each of these...

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Using Dollars, Pesos and ATM Machines

Escape to Baja With Jinx Schwartz Books

I see locals and tourists enjoying a variety of activities, but one that is extremely popular is reading books. There are some who still need to hold a physical book in hand, but there are also a number of people using some sort of electronic device to read ebooks....

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Escape to Baja With Jinx Schwartz Books

New Palm Tree Cell Tower Erected in Loreto Bay

The next time you see the Loreto Bay skyline, there will be an extra large palm tree visible near the Loreto Bay Resort. No, it isn't the world's largest palm tree. It is a new cell phone tower. As of this writing, it is still being completed and is not yet online....

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New Palm Tree Cell Tower Erected in Loreto Bay

Loreto Emerges From Hurricane Hilary with Minor Damage

Loreto was on the outer bands of Hurricane Hilary and received a large amount of rain and strong winds during most of Saturday August 19, 2023. By Sunday morning the storm was gone and the clean up began. The image at the top of this post was taken on a still...

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Loreto Bay Sunrise After Hurricane Hilary

Loreto Pickleball Club Now Has Dedicated Website

A little over three years ago I wrote Pickleball Courts Hidden Away in Loreto Bay. As this post was one of the few places to find Loreto pickleball information, I got a steady stream of emails with questions. As I'm not a player, I rarely had answers. Now there is...

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Loreto Pickleball Club Website

Sammy Hagar Rocks 75th Birthday at Cabo Wabo Cantina

If you've listened to any rock and roll for the past fifty plus years, you are likely familiar with Sammy Hagar. Maybe you remember his days in Montrose with songs such as Bad Motor Scooter and Rock Candy. You can even hear him performing Rock Candy in the 1976...

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Sammy Hagar Rocks 75th Birthday at Cabo Wabo Cantina
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