Things to Do in the Town of Loreto and Loreto Bay
Loreto Bay
General Info
Loreto is on Mountain Time, which is one hour ahead of the West Coast Pacific time.
Sometimes in Mexico the hot and cold water taps are reversed, if the left faucet does not give you HOT water after a few minutes, try the right faucet as the pipes may be crossed. Upstairs showers can take a few minutes to receive the hot water and it is recommended that you let the sink or shower run hot for a few minutes before using. All faucets within Casa Coburn are plumbed correctly.
Note: Driving on Baja Highways. The left turn signal indicates to the car/truck behind you that it is safe to pass. It is recommended that when you slow down to make a left hand turn into the south entrance of Loreto Bay that you use the HAZARD lights to indicate caution to other drivers so that they slow down. Then pull onto the right hand shoulder and wait for oncoming traffic to pass and it is clear to turn. HAZARD lights are commonly used to indicate construction, animals, or other hazards.
Important Offices
The Loreto Bay community is very safe and you will see our friendly Security Guards around each neighborhood. Their English is sometimes limited, but they always enjoy saying hello and try to assist when they can. The Security Office is located in unit FN349 and it is open 24×7. Please see them for any after hours emergencies and they will contact us or assist you immediately.
The Associa Offices located in unit FN350 on the paseo is the Administrator of the Home Owners Association. They govern the rules and regulations established for the Villages of Loreto Bay. PETS allowed. We are a pet friendly community, and would ask that all dogs be on a leash. Pets are not allowed in the Community Center or businesses serving food for health reasons. There is a $100 USD fine for not picking up after your dog, so be sure to carry plastic bags.
Loreto Bay Pools
The Founders Community Pool is located behind the Loreto Bay Homes office and the Nopolo Wine Cellar. This beautiful heated pool with spa is tucked away out of the wind with comfortable lounges, pool bathrooms, and outdoor shower. The second Sub J Community Pool is located behind homes in Aqua Viva. These pools are for the use of the Loreto Bay owners and guests. You are allowed to bring drinks and food, but no glassware. Bring your own towels, but please do not reserve loungers for long periods of time.

Shops in Loreto Bay
AGNES BOUTIQUE is a wonderful shop in unit FN163 near El Corazon Cafe. Come and visit Agnes & Sergio’s second location in Loreto Bay offering casual ladies clothing, gift wares for your home and souvenirs. Beautiful assortment of jewelry, all reasonably priced. They also offer massages, facials, silk painting classes, as well as any sewing needs you may have. Open 9 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday. Saturdays 9 am to 2 pm. Email: [email protected] Phone 613 114 9691
Services in Loreto Bay
LORETO BAY COMMUNITY CENTER is located in unit FN306. This center is free for all owners and guests and a relaxing place for social activities. There is a computer with printer for guest use and free wireless, used books to sign out, couches, tables for playing cards and regularly scheduled activities. Drop by from 9 am to 5 pm Monday thru Friday and 9 am to noon on Saturdays and the Loreto Bay Assistant would be pleased to talk with you.
VIVE LORETO TOUR COMPANY. Visit Rafa & Maria in FN172 under the largest tree on the paseo. They offer ATV tours, island tours, horseback riding, deep sea fishing, and nature tours. Specializing in Scuba Diving Certification and tours. They also rent bicycles by the week and provide bicycles repairs for your convenience. Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 1:30 p.m. & 4 pm to 7 pm. Saturdays 8:30 am to 1:30 pm. Email them at [email protected] or Call 613 118 2311
Things to Do in Town of Loreto
- Loreto Baja Golf Course
- Blue Nation (scuba diving and training, snorkeling, custom trips)
- Dolphin Dive Center (scuba, snorkeling, whale watching)
- Cormorant Dive Center (scuba, snorkeling, whale watching)
- Wild Loreto Tours (scuba, snorkeling, whale watching, sailing, kayaking and more)
- Baja Big Fish Company (fishing excursions)
- Desert & Sea Adventures
- Arturo’s Sports
- Sea Kayak Adventures
- Loreto Adventure Network

Activities Near Loreto
- Glass Bottom Boat Tour: A half day tour around the offshore islands in the only glass bottom boat in Loreto. It leaves out of Puerto Escondido, about ten minutes south of Loreto Bay. They will do their best to help arrange transportation to/from Loreto Bay if requested.