My Water Branded With Scarlet Zip Tie

My Water Branded With Scarlet Zip Tie

Anyone spending time in Loreto Bay gets used to unexpected water outages on an all too regular basis. Typically these are due to a leak somewhere in the system that requires large portions of Loreto Bay to be shut off for a few hours in order to complete the repairs....
My Journey to Loreto, Life and Work

My Journey to Loreto, Life and Work

I was recently interviewed on a wide range of topics about my journey to Loreto and my life here. You’ll see some early photos of Loreto Bay when it was mostly sand and a dream. You’ll also learn about my early life and how I found Loreto in the first...
Escape to Baja With Jinx Schwartz Books

Escape to Baja With Jinx Schwartz Books

I see locals and tourists enjoying a variety of activities, but one that is extremely popular is reading books. There are some who still need to hold a physical book in hand, but there are also a number of people using some sort of electronic device to read ebooks....
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