Grocery Stores in LoretoWe’ve done our best to build out a wide variety of restaurants to visit on our Places to Eat in Loreto page. The latest count shows 40 options and we will keep trying to add more as we get the chance.

Many of you will be in Loreto long enough that you will want to have at least some of your meals at home. Heck, maybe you just want some snacks. In that case you’ll need to know where you can find the groceries you need. We’ve built the Places for Groceries in Loreto page to help you find the right stores. The list is fairly small with only six options as of this writing. Just like with the restaurants, we’ll continue to add more options going forward.

What you’ll currently find are the three major supermarkets in Loreto along with a couple of smaller stores and a farmer’s market. We know that some of what you want to find will only be in some of the smaller stores so we’ll now try to find the best ones and get them added. Of course we are open to suggestions if you know of a good one we need to add.

Photo by unsplash-logoThomas Le


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Foster D. Coburn III

Foster D. Coburn III is the owner of Casa Coburn and lives in Loreto Bay year round. He works from his home in Loreto building powerful WordPress Web sites for clients world wide using the Divi theme.
Places to Eat in Loreto
Places for Groceries in Loreto
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