by Foster D. Coburn III | Jan 7, 2025 | services, water
Anyone spending time in Loreto Bay gets used to unexpected water outages on an all too regular basis. Typically these are due to a leak somewhere in the system that requires large portions of Loreto Bay to be shut off for a few hours in order to complete the repairs....
by Foster D. Coburn III | Apr 4, 2024 | services, shopping
I frequently seen people asking about whether they should bring dollars or pesos for the upcoming visit to Loreto (or elsewhere in Mexico). How can they exchange dollars for pesos? Can they use an ATM machine? Can they use credit cards? I’ll cover each of these...
by Foster D. Coburn III | Mar 15, 2024
Join Zoom Meeting
by Foster D. Coburn III | Feb 22, 2024
NIGHT SKIES TOWN HALL Another great speaker will be leading the Town Hall on Friday, March 8th! Travis Longcore is a recognized expert on the impact of artificial lighting at night. His website has some great videos (one in Spanish)...
by Foster D. Coburn III | Oct 5, 2020 | services, travel
For many years the only direct flights from the US to Loreto were via Los Angeles. That will change in December 2020 when American Airlines brings direct flights from both Phoenix and Dallas. Below are the flights numbers and initial schedules. These flights are...